on rescinding DACA, a Christian prayer

Note: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), an American immigration policy enacted in June 2012 by former President Barack Obama that allowed undocumented immigrants (numbering approximately 800,000) who entered the country as minors to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation, on September 5, 2017, was rescinded (with a six-month stay of execution to encourage Congress to act) by President Donald Trump, largely on the grounds that the Obama executive order circumvented the constitutional purview of Congress.

hand reaching out

O God, You, Creator of all, love and care for all Your children and especially, as You plead through Your prophets and proclaim in Your Son Jesus, those who are poor and dispossessed, whose dreams oft are deferred and denied: I pray that You move in a mighty way through the halls of Congress and in the hearts of all people to think and to feel with compassion and to intend and to act with conviction to assure the health and wealth of living for children borne to and blossoming on American soil that they may continue to enjoy the presence and the promise of “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness”; through the power of the Spirit. Amen.